Katherine Mansfield and Literary Modernism
Dr Janet Wilson
Not Available
Samuel Beckett and Arnold Geulincx
Dr David Goldsmiths and 2 more
Samuel Beckett's 'More Pricks Than Kicks'
Professor John Pilling
Great War Modernisms and 'The New Age' Magazine
Dr Paul University of Northampton and 1 more
Ezra Pound's Adams Cantos
Dr David Ten Eyck
Broadcasting in the Modernist Era
Dr Matthew University of York and 1 more
Ezra Pound's Eriugena
Dr Mark University of Sydney and 1 more
Arun Kolatkar and Literary Modernism in India
Laetitia Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and 1 more
The Life and Work of Thomas MacGreevy
Susan Schreibman
Reading Mina Loy’s Autobiographies
Sandeep Parmar
Reframing Yeats
Charles I University of Agder and 1 more
Virginia Woolf's Late Cultural Criticism
Dr Alice De Montfort University and 1 more
Modern Manuscripts
Dr Dirk University of Antwerp and 1 more
Samuel Beckett and The Bible
Dr Iain University of Manchester and 1 more
Dr Matthew Feldman
Laetitia Zecchini
Literary Impressionism
Dr Rebecca University of Sheffield and 1 more
James Joyce and Catholicism
Dr Chrissie Van Visiting Lecturer in English and 5 more
T. E. Hulme and the Ideological Politics of Early Modernism
Henry Teesside University and 1 more
Late Modernism and 'The English Intelligencer'
Dr Alex Postdoctoral Fellow and 3 more
British Literature and Classical Music
Dr David University of Alabama and 1 more
John Kasper and Ezra Pound
Professor Alec Muhlenberg College and 1 more
Modernism at the Microphone
Dr Melissa Lecturer and 4 more
Samuel Beckett and Cinema
Anthony University of Roehampton and 1 more
Charles Henri Ford: Between Modernism and Postmodernism
Dr Alexander University of New South Wales and 1 more
Dr Chrissie Van Mierlo
The Late Cantos of Ezra Pound
Dr Michael University of Bayreuth and 1 more
James Joyce and Absolute Music
Dr Michelle University of Basel and 1 more
Modernist Lives
Dr Claire Government of Canada Banting Postdoctoral Fellow and 2 more
The Politics of 1930s British Literature
University of St Andrews and 1 more
Samuel Beckett and Experimental Psychology
Dr Joshua Powell
Samuel Beckett in Confinement
Dr James Little
Chicago and the Making of American Modernism
Professor Michelle E College of DuPage and 1 more
Modernist Wastes
Dr Caroline Knighton
Samuel Beckett and the Second World War
Dr William Davies
Christian Modernism in an Age of Totalitarianism
Dr Jonas University of Edinburgh and 1 more
Judith Wright and Emily Carr
Anne Collett and 1 more
Ezra Pound's Washington Cantos and the Struggle for Light
Professor Alec Marsh
Historicizing Modernists
Joshua Powell
Dr James Masaryk University and 1 more
Historical Modernisms
Professor JeanMichel University of Pennsylvania and 1 more
Jean Rhys's Modernist Bearings and Experimental Aesthetics
Sue Thomas
In Stock
£81.00 £90.00
Dr Caroline Birkbeck and 2 more
Katherine Mansfield: New Directions
Dr Aimée Institute of English Studies and 2 more
The Many Drafts of D. H. Lawrence
Dr Elliott Independent Scholar and 1 more
James Joyce and Photography
Dr Georgina BinnieWright
William Davies
Modernist Authorship and Transatlantic Periodical Culture
Amanda Sigler
Anne Collett and 3 more
Alec Marsh
JeanMichel Rabaté and 1 more
Amanda Baylor University and 1 more
Georgina BinnieWright
Matthew Feldman and 2 more
Modernism in Wonderland
Michelle L Witen and 1 more
Ezra Pound and His Classical Sources
Jonathan Ullyot
Great War Modernists
Lee M Jenkins
Adrienne Rich's Later Poetry
James Joyce and Cultural Genetics
Dr Wim Van Mierlo
The Irish Proust
Max McGuinness and 1 more
Literary Genetics, Modernism and the Theories of Mind
Genevieve Sartor
John D Morgenstern and 1 more